Cambridge Water Line Replaced with HDPE Pipe

American Water needed to replace the water line that serviced the Town of Cambridge, NY because swamp impediment did not allow for any maintenance accessibility and there were concerns on how leakage would affect the water supply. Lead joints on the line also needed to be replaced due to corrosion. Finally, the water supply volumes had increased which required the 8” line to be upsized to 12”. This case study involves the installation of 12” DIPS DR11 PE4710 PC200 Blue Strip AWWA C906 FM1613 CC3 L3 pipe.
Open trench and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) were utilized. John Keller conducted 3 drills under culvert burials and water pond areas. The drilled lines where connected by electrofusion couplings. The balance of the line was open trench because rehabilitation to the ditch area for the right of way was required. The existing 8” steel line was abandoned which was installed in 1890. The whole line was pressure tested after installation without issue or concern.
The main reason HDPE was chosen was the swamp impediment where the existing steel line exited. When the steel line was installed in 1890, there were no swamps. The swamp now covers a large portion of the existing 8” line making it impossible to maintenance. HDPE pipe was selected as it does not leak, corrode nor is affected by potential ground movements. HDPE pipe also allowed for additional capacity and surge protection. WL Plastics worked with American Water to help them better understand HDPE and its benefits for the application which lead to HDPE’s selection for this project.
WL Plastics and ISCO industries took the opportunity to train, monitor and assist JH Maloy, contractor, during this installation. The time taken to properly and safely support JH Maloy benefited all parties involved. This ensured proper site preparation, handling, fusions techniques and installation procedures where utilized. “I have never installed HDPE in the past but I can see how this product is the product of the future”, said Brent Kristel, JH Maloy , Job Foreman. “Installing HDPE is much different than Ductile Iron and must be treated that way to take advantage of the benefits it provides.”
The ISCO and WL Plastics training provided JH Maloy knowledge for future HDPE projects. JH Maloy now has a better understanding of the capabilities and advantages of installing a HDPE piping system.
“The support that WL Plastics and ISCO Industries provided was fantastic. In all honestly, I did not sleep well the night before the pressure test, they reassured me that my fusion procedures and techniques were sound and I need to trust the procedures. I am pleased with the result.” Larry Farquhar, Fusion Tech.
The HDPE piping system installed is expected to last for generations providing the community with a responsible infrastructure solution.